Sunday, March 23, 2014

Blog Post #9

This week I looked explored Mrs, Katy Cassidy's technology programs she uses in her class. Mrs. Cassidy is a 1st grade teacher who has her own website that has different programs teachers can use in their classroom. In her interview with Dr. Strange, Mrs. Cassidy states that "ever teacher should be technology literate because technology is constantly changing", students are becoming more and more inclined to use technology. I will be implementing both a blog and a website for use by myself, the students, and the parents. With a blog and website, teachers will be able to receive feedback on their child's progress and see where in the lesson plan we are for the week as well as be able to tell what mandatory assignments their child should be doing and be able to ask me questions easily.

 Mrs. Cassidy working with students

Sunday, March 16, 2014

C4T #2

Summary of Post: Mrs. Paynter talked about how she was coming down with the cold but was excited to meet her colleagues out in Richmond Hill but became too sick and had to cancel her presentation. So she posted on her blog her slide presentation which talked about the use of blogging websites or other social media sites to help students,parents, and teachers stay connected.

Comment: Hello my name is Lucas Skinner and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed your presentation about blogging because blogging is very helpful in a teacher and students career. Blogging is an easier way for parents to feel closer to the teacher and understand what is going on in the classroom when all they have to do is go online to the class blog and see that such and such is due or ask a simple question to the teacher. Great post!

Summary of Post: Mrs. Paynter was sitting in the waiting room while her child was with the doctor and she overheard a little girl being excited about finding a red pencil to take back with her because she was in the "Red Group" at school. Mrs. Paynter goes on to wonder about what on earth the red group was and how it was decided that the little girl would be put into the red group. She then goes on to remind us that carefully planned group work will help students succeed in the classrom

Comment: Hello my name is Lucas Skinner and I am student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I have always agreed that students with similar needs should be put in groups together when it comes to group work just for the fact that it would be easier to help them all at once instead of individually. Your post made me thing about different types of grouping instead. Kids need to be diversified with the members of their group so they can all help each other. Great blog!

Blog Post #7

Randy Pausch is an amazing teacher and his final lecture was nothing short of superb. He taught me that no matter how hard the obstacle gets, do not give up. Brick walls are their to weed out those who are dedicated enough to push through and persevere from those who easily give up. Another thing he taught me was that no matter how hard something may be, You will not make it alone. Having peers or parents or others who are there to help you will give you that extra strength you need to further yourself.

 A brick wall

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Project #13 PBL plan

The boston group's Project Based Learning plan was to have our 3rd grade kids study about different countries around the world then right a report and a trifold board about it then present it to the class.

Kids holding hands around the world